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South Caucasus
Hrant Dink

APRIL 23,5

…I don't know who can understand this, but to be both Armenian and from Turkey, to celebrate April 23rd with all its joy and to experience the next day with all its sadness? How many other people experience this dilemma? It is neither easy to understand nor to explain.

I hope no one has to live through this dilemma again. How can April 23rd be celebrated more joyously? How can April 24th be erased from the memories? In actual fact, these are not insolvable questions.

If April 23rd is for all the children to celebrate, I say it should somehow become Armenian children's as well. Invite them to these celebrations too. Reconcile the children, introduce them to one another? And do not limit it to April 23rd, involve April 24th too.

Make those days even longer, include the whole of April, even the whole of spring. Let's say you are unable to do this, that existing animosities obstruct this. Then leave the world to the children, they will take care of this, just as long as you don't get in the way.

April 23rds are very special for me indeed. It is also the day I got married to my lovely wife. The night that connects April 23rd to April 24th is the night we gave life to our first child. Not April 23rd, and not the 24th. Perhaps that moment is 23.5 April.

Hrant Dink